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#+-| ITOD() |-----------------------------------------------------------+#####
#| +--------+ Converts the day, month and year values into a date value |#####
#+--| Summary |--------------+################################################
#|     #INCLUDE date.hdr     |################################################
#+--| Syntax |--------------------------------------------------------+#######
#|     FUNCTION DATE itod PROTOTYPE                                   |#######
#|      PARAMETERS VALUE INT day, VALUE INT month, VALUE INT year     |#######
################+---| Description |---------------------------+###############
################| The itod() function converts the day, month |###############
################| and year values into a single date value.   |###############
#########+--| Example 1 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Convert a command line to a date where              |#########
#########| *    command line is : proc DDMMYY.                      |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| date_var = itod(i_val(substr(cmd_line,1,2)),;            |#########
#########|                (i_val(substr(cmd_line,3,2)),;            |#########
#########|                (i_val(substr(cmd_line,5,2)+1900)         |#########
#########+--| Example 2 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    Get the month and day from a user and then          |#########
#########| *    seek on the input date.                             |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| INPUT "  Input day: " TO day_value                       |#########
#########| INPUT "Input month: " TO month_value                     |#########
#########| seek_date = itod( day_value, month_value, 1990 )         |#########
#########| !accounting SEEK seek_date                               |#########
#########| IF found()                                               |#########
#########|     {...}                                                |#########

See Also: ctod() dtoc()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson